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More of Mady's quotable quotes

"Well, I'd rather go to a baseball game than have Leukemia"

A friend gave me two corporate tickets for a Red Sox game so that Julia and I could have a father/daughter date this week. Before the game I asked Mady, who is not yet a huge fan, if she was disappointed that she couldn't go to a baseball game since she's immunosuppressed. This was her cheeky reply.

"Um, wait... I think I'm still too much awake!"

Mady was completely unconscious with a general anesthetic for her first bone marrow extraction and spinal tap. For the subsequent ones, the doctors now use a local anesthetic and give her a drug that leaves her semi-awake. She was worried that she was still going feel the needles too much, and told them so. The doctors replied that they were already finished--without her even knowing it, they had already performed the invasive procedures.

"They have me off the hook!"

Mady telling me that she doesn't, at the moment, need to be connected to either the telemetry unit or an IV drip.


Anonymous said...

Mady, I think you know this, but you are very funny. I love reading your quotes...there could be a very good book made out of them! =]

rjb said...

Oh, what a wonderful book that would be!
I wanna edit it!
Jk, jk.
Mady's parents deserve the honor...=D