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Day 32: Still zero, still at MGH, but still infection-free

Thursday, October 11, 2007 - Not much happened today. Mady feels tired, but okay. After being off of the chemotherapy steroids for a few days, she's lost much of her drug-induced I-could-eat-a-horse-and-chase-the-rider appetite, and her blood sugar is stable. Mady leaves a lot of hair on the bed each day, but still seems to have most of it on her head--she apparently has some very hardy follicles that are courageously fighting the chemo barrage.

With no measurable neutrophils, she essentially has no immune system... and infections of any kind are really the biggest danger to chemotherapy patients at this stage. As much as we'd love to be home, the positive-pressure neutropenic benefits of Ellison 1816 are critically important, as well as the daily IV bags of antibiotics that she receives. Until she can resist infections on her own, we know that this is the place she should be. (Sigh)


Anonymous said...

Hi Trey, Chris, Madeline & Julia,
Following along with anticipation that you will all be back home together very soon. Thoughts and prayers for Mady and you all from Seattle each day as I read your news.
Kathy S.

Anonymous said...

Sung by Catie Curtis on the album "My Shirt Looks Good on You"
words and music by Mark Sandman

I spent all day yesterday watching the grass grow
What I learned is that grass really grows slow
Now I’m hanging around trying to get inspired
Punch a hole in my cage and I reach out blind

She said have patience
Everything will be all right
Give it just a little time
Everything will be all right

Anonymous said...

Dear Mady, Chris, Trey and Julia,
You are all in our prayers for healing, strength, and patience.
All our love,
Mary, Fr. Gary, Mary and Alexander

Anonymous said...

3 steps forward, 1 step back. You're still 2 steps ahead. Go girl! I tied an orange ribbon to my lanyard to remind me to send positive energy your way. It may take extra time to get there from Illinois!
Tami Lovin

Anonymous said...

I said it before and
Ill say it agin


Get your pretty little butt home!!

Jane Sherwin said...

Some great comments there, I'm laughing out loud even though the context is frustrating. If it helps, the famous writer Jane Sherwin was born at Johns Hopkins Hospital so you can see they must know what they are doing and will surely give you a clean confirmation! Hold fast and walk in love. Looks like I may have to go to Shaw's for nutri--oops, neutri bars after all. Perhaps Whole Foods organic version would be better. Much love.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mady, Julia, Chris and Trey: We are thinking of you, and pray for you, your family, and your recovery every night at our dinner table! We hope you get to be home soon in your own bed. It sounds like a very frustrating process...just waiting for levels to improve (lots of ups and downs), but hang in there: things will get better.... we can't wait to see you again. Love, McVay family