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Day 49: A new member of the family

Sunday, October 28, 2007 - This is the newest addition to our household. In celebration of the Red Sox World Series Championship, I wanted to name her Jacoby or Big Papi, but I was overuled. Meet Buttercup, born August 20, to Chocolate (her Cocker Spaniel mom) and Pepperoni (her Poodle dad).

Are we crazy to get a dog just as Mady begins her 2 1/2 year leukemia treatment? We don't think so... Mady's illness means we'll probably all be at home more, and her oncologist said it was absolutely okay. We've been talking about getting a dog for years and we recently found a breeder we like who currently has a bunch of lovely female Cockapoo puppies. We visited today, and fell in love.

I have a feeling that a cuddly puppy might be very thereputic and could help with the stimulation of those pesky Neutrophil (another name I suggested for the puppy) cells.

Why is she named Buttercup and not, say, Papelbon? That's a good question...

2007 World Series Champions


Unknown said...

Go Sox! That's a very cute puppy, I'm sure the little guy will get & give lots of love in the years to come.

Anonymous said...

Well Trey, if the Cardinals couldn't repeat, I'm glad it was the Sox! Mady, I plan to make your Madycakes soon...once I get the kitchen sink unclogged! Continued prayers and positive energy are being sent to all.

Anonymous said...

Cute puppyyy!

No Comment on the BoSox!!

(a closeted yankees fan!)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your new addition to the family! I can't wait to cuddle with Buttercup, and know that she will bring you much joy. it's about time! XXXXOOOOGP&E

Anonymous said...

Greetings Buttercup exclamation mark. Remember me question mark. I got to hold you.

*The above should have been read in a robotic voice, so if you didn't read it with a robotic voice, go back and read it again with a robotic voice*