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YouTube - Childhood Cancer Awareness

Some parents of children with ALL recently created a YouTube video that captures many of the amazing children who are fighting, or have fought, Leukemia...

Click here:
YouTube - Childhood Cancer Awareness


expressivetherapy said...

We are still thinking of each of you every day. I'm afraid Margaret's new schedule has made visiting really hard to coordinate with others, and I've had a sniffle for two week's and not wanted to risk being infectious (we found out yesterday that Sam has pneumonia, so we have definitely been passing something around)- so no visits from us until we are infection-free.

BUT I wanted you to know that we are sending love and prayers your way, checking the blog, and so admiring of the courage and strength you are each calling up from within!

Much love,
Karen (and Margaret, and Paul, and Sam)

Chris Arthur said...

Here is the Candlelighters version of the same quest, continued funding for "targeted therapy," drugs that attack the specific cancer and not all of the good stuff too. It is cutting edge science, and already exists for some cancers. Love, ca

char43 said...

Add our names to the Sunday morning group of folks who are thinking about all four of you. We are reading about the journey daily and sending you our heart felt support and love.

Hugs from Austin,
Connor and Donna and Charlotte

P.S. Troubles with getting comments posted seem to be cared for at the moment. Thanks to Google... ;-)

Anonymous said...

I watched the had no idea resarch funds had been cut. I'm so glad whoever made that made that. It's a good idea - not enough people understand. I don't even think I do. I try, though. I really do.
I'll go watch the other one now.