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Prayer Flags

A few days ago at about noon I was on the computer and Madeline was resting on the couch when a shadow danced across my desk. I looked around to find out what had cast the shadow and spied the prayer flags from the congregants of our UU church (Thanks Diane) hung recently on our old flagpole, a spar from a famous new england ship (our house was the home of a ships captain over one hundred years ago). That low winter sun brought them into our home. Thank-you for your blessings.


Jane Sherwin said...

Technology has the most amazing effects, speaking as one born before TV (I think)--here are these beautiful flags and banners right on my screen, and all the hope that comes with them--Chris I'm here all day if you want to stop by--can't come to your house because of a bad cough but I'm here if you need me. Ginny has to work on history day with Sarah after school.

Anonymous said...

Its great to know you are part of a community!

either cyber or real!

terrys said...

mady i hope you get well soon can you call me when you can come see me? love kaitlyn s. love you mady

Anonymous said...

hey it's cameron
i would love to say i know what you guys are going through, but i can't...and you have probably heard this a million times, and i know this has got to be hard. but i think its good to hear it over and over again. Like a poem when you emphasive something to make it stick out(just learned this by the way :j). Try to keep going, pause for mourning if you have to but never let that mourning overcome for too long. Thats all i can say really...well if that doesnt help i'll stick to the simpler words because sometimes they can have so much more meaning...I hope for the best.


Anonymous said...

We love you all very much!!! J,T,F

Anonymous said...

How did they do that?!!! What a great Christmas decoration---the colorful flags on your flagpole---giving hope and strength to all who see them! Love, XXXXOOOO

Anonymous said...

Chris & Trey, I have been moved by your prayer flags almost daily as I go to and from work, and have sent your family and maddy many good wishes. I was hoping to maybe see maddy playing her sax at bandorama but that shows you how little I know about leukemia and its arduous treatment. Julia and the flutes were wonderful though. I'd love to be on your puppy care list and I am just across the street on weekday mornings until 1:00 if something comes up. Julie Kirrane

Anonymous said...

Chris, can we add to the prayer flags? LOve ya, J,T,F