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Day 104: RSS Feed? Huh?

Saturday, December 22, 2007 - In the Comments of the last post, our friend Ray included a URL for an RSS (thanks Ray!)... and some of you may be thinking: URL? RSS? WTF? Well, a URL is simply a web address, and RSS is Real Simple Syndication (or maybe Rich Site Summary)... it's a way for you to have a link on your home page (or many other places) that will alert you when new posts are added to Mady's Parents' Page.

Having an RSS feed means no more having to open the blog a hundred times a day only to find that we haven't updated the site in a few days!

How do you add it to your home page? Look for a link on your home page that says something like Add RSS Feeds (or Add Content), click it, and you should find a place where you can copy/paste the URL that Ray provided:

For example, for the Yahoo site (My Yahoo) that I use as my home page:

  1. Near the bottom of the page there is a button labeled Add Content. I click it.

  2. This brings up a screen where I can search for RSS feeds (there are MANY of these) or I can click a link called Add RSS by URL (which I do).

  3. This displays a box where I can type (or Copy/Paste to avoid stupid typos) the URL that Ray provided.

  4. I click the Finished button, and I'm done! Now my home page displays the latest few posts and when they were added. If there is one I missed I can click on it and go right to it. The RSS display looks like this:

There are lots of great RSS feeds. The example above shows that I'm also monitoring Leukemia news (from The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society) and new Urban Legends (from, among others.

Actual content about Madeline: Mady's feeling well enough that she's been regaling us with operatic singing the last few days... must be a strange side effect of a new chemotherapy drug. :-)

I hope everyone's holiday plans are going well! -tk


Lou Cuevas said...

Actually, latest Mac OS does this on it's own ! Yeah, scary ! All I had to do was check the RSS icon in my web browser window and there you were.
What, still on a PC ?? Haven't those Mac_PC guy commercials had any effect ?
Have the bestest of times this christmas.

lou & crew

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info as I continue to deal with Vista. Carol got a Mac this week and hopefully will be online soon! From all the Cerniks in St. Louis to the Kleins, a very Merry Christmas and continued healing in the New Year.


Anonymous said...

Great, now we're going to start a Mac/PC flame war?
There are many softwares(?) that support RSS feeds- the latest Internet Explorer, the latest version of MS Outlook, Firefox, Opera (my favorite).

If you use Google homepage, you can add RSS feeds to your homepage. That's how I keep up to date.


Anonymous said...

Really looking forward to hearing operatic singing! GP&EXXXXOOOO

Anonymous said...

Anybody out there with Vista and a Google home page? Can you tell me how to do that Add Feed thing. I tried. I'm hopeless with this stuff. The brain is slow on the uptake.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I use Mozilla Firefox.
Hi Chris, Trey, Mady and Julia. And Buttercup.