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Happy 14th Birthday Madeline!

Sunday, January 6, 2007 - Mady turned 14 yesterday, solidly in her teens now, we still summon quantities of surprise at how time really does fly. The past week was pretty good! Mady's ANC count was still about 220 last Wednesday. She needs to be at 750 to start her next round of outpatient chemotherapy, so she'll be tested again this week to see if she can begin her Interim Maintenance protocol this Thursday (fingers crossed). Although her ANC was low, the doctors are encouraging her to go to school unless her ANC goes below 200. So she set a new (post-September) record by going to school three days in a row! As I mentioned previously, her oncologists really prefer fewer gaps in her chemo, but in the meantime she lives a somewhat more normal life. The biggest change is that she started wearing her wig to school, even though she says it makes her head itchy.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Mady - you look gorgeous with your "new" hair! We love you - Aunt Misty and Madison

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Mady, You sure do look pretty in your wig. Love that smile. Fla fans. Lad and Bev.

Anonymous said...


Happy Birthday to you

save me some cake!!!!


Anonymous said...


I just looked at your
picture again!

You have Such a beautiful smile!

You look so much
like your mother*!

Much love and support from me!

*and thats a good thing!

Anonymous said...

The wig, and the GIRL, are gorgeous! Love, GP&E XXXXOOOO

Kathy said...

I remember meeting Mady at the hospital when she was brand new... only it couldn't have been fourteen years ago. Surely ya'll are mistaken, because I'm not that much older!

Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Happy Number 14 Birthday, Mady!!

Since life seems to be a big costume party most days I vote that we all wear more wigs and smile lots more, too. Obviously you have already figured that out, Mady. ;-) And you look great doing it.

Hugs from Texas,
Charlotte and Connor and Donna

Anonymous said...

The wig looks great! Hope it gets more comfortable! Happy Birthday Mady!
Susan J.

Anonymous said...

We LOVE YOU Mady!!! Your wig looks really cute on you. And what a beautiful smile you have! XOXOXOXOOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX J,T,F

Anonymous said...


*smiley face*


Anonymous said...

~(_8 ^ (I)