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Day 163: Hives? Blood can give you hives?

Tuesday, February 19, 2008 - We recently discovered a lovely Cancer stamp with an inspiring message:

What cancer cannot do

Cancer is so limited...

It cannot cripple love

It cannot shatter hope

It cannot corrode faith

It cannot destroy peace

It cannot kill friendship

It cannot suppress memories

It cannot silence courage

It cannot invade the soul

It cannot steal eternal life

It cannot conquer the spirit.

Madeline has received her last protocol for this Interim Maintenance phase and will begin the next phase (Second Induction, I think) on March 6th. In the meantime, she will need periodic blood and platelet transfusions. Today was a two pint of blood day at the Yawkey Outpatient Clinic, but for the first time she had a reaction to pint number two and broke out in hives half way through. This made the day last much longer than usual as they stopped the second pint and had to monitor her the rest of the day. Whew.

At this moment, we're all watching American Idol... except for Mady, who is contentedly sleeping here beside me, exhausted after her big hives day at the clinic.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info on the stamp. I will add it to our collection of stamps. What a lovely verse it has. Hope the hives are better and you are back home in your own bed. Love and blessings from Fl. Lad and Bev

Anonymous said...

Loved the poem.. very inspirational-needed at this time! so any ideas on the next American Idol-well I guess you need to stay awake so you can check out all the talent!! I fell asleep, too!

Mady-you are unbelievable with all you are enduring- keep swinging-
lots of love

Bev Freeman said...

Hi gang. I'm checking in. I tried to be part of the Buttercup patrol but it was so changing each week, with demands on Mady's time, that it was hard for me to be on call, given my work obligations. I am thinking of you all and hoping to meet this super-pup some time soon. She sounds wonderful. Do you have sufficient long underwear for the winter? Or hand or body moisturizer? (yes, Trey, you too) Or fragrant candles? Anything to warm up this cold, dry time in our lives. It looks like winter will be long. Just asking because these are some of my favorite things and I'd be glad to do some shopping if anyone is a little cold or scratchy.