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Helen Adams Carroll Arthur

Madeline and Julia, Trey and I, and my brothers and sister and their families spent Sunday day surrounding my Mom as she lay in her bed, Buttercup and Scooch bounding in and out at will (Bella stayed home). Still beautiful despite the ravages of a long battle with cancer, she put up with all of our sillier stories about her and rolled her eyes on a few occasions.

Mostly, we held her and hugged her and told her we loved her and that she will be painfully missed and those words and actions continue. Last night the siblings hung out and rotated through the night comforting Mom, while my Dad was able to sleep for a few hours, and today she looks good, is upright, her sister Anne by her side regaling us with her quick wit. Some words to describe my Mom:

beautiful... serious... energetic... impeccable... dynamic...exquisite...funny... thoughtful... a good listener... private... immaculate... intelligent... a nature lover... elegant... a reader... stoic... exacting... capable... loving.. a good friend, confidante and advisor to each of her half of a dynamic duo...The Amazing Nana...

She is resting now, a reprieve after a long day. We love you, Mom.

The depths of emotions are unmined only in my ability to put them into words. Love, ca


Anonymous said...


I love your honesty and willingness to be so open to others. That shows much strength. God be with all of you now.

Mary C.

Anonymous said...

Oh my god chris

i had no idea your mother was ill also!

I will always remember the time that Jane and I spent in your mother and father's house for your wedding.

Shortly after I came back from your wedding, I visited my great aunt in her nursing home. She was suffering from Parkinsons.

She was mostly asleep while I visited her, so I sat and talked about your wedding, and the beautiful house, with its beautiful green lawns rolling down to the bay.

As I went on and on, I asked her if I was keeping her from sleeping. She asked me to please to continue. I will always remember the smile on her face, visualising your parents house and your wedding weekend.

Both your parents are such open and giving people, I can see that all that is good about you is pased on to you and your family.

Best wishes


Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this information about you Mom, Helen. Our hearts and prayers go out to you and there is little we can say to comfort you." God didn't promise days with out pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears and a light for the way." My heart aches for you. Love to you all Lad and Bev.

Anonymous said...


I wish I could give you a big hug snd kiss. You described your Mom to a tee. She is going to be missed so much by everyone..please give her a hug and kiss for our family.
Love you, a

Anonymous said...

Dear Chris,
My love to you and your family as you surround your Mom with the strength she gave you. Give your Dad a bit squeeze from me; let him know I made his delicious French Onion soup today that you made me for my birthday one year in High School. 16? 18? So many adventures together ago. Love, Sarah

Kathy said...

You are all on my mind today.
Much love,

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful, loving tribute to your wonderful mother! How fortunate you have been to know her and have her guidance through your life! Our thoughts and prayers go out to you, and your extraordinary family! XXXXOOOOGP&E

Anonymous said...

Chris -
The rawness of your pain and depth of your love is so palpable in your posts. It is a priviledge for all of us that you share it with us so openly. Please know that you, and your entire family, are in our thoughts and prayers. Your Mom will always have a very warm place in my heart.

Anonymous said...

Oh Chris - what a year this has been. Your words about your Mom are beautiful and make me wish I'd gotten to know her. I'm glad all of you are enveloped by family right now. We'll be thinking of you.
Love Susan J.

Lou Cuevas said...

I feel I knew Helen much better than I actually did.
All the stories of Marion over the years and having experienced the gracious hospitality that is your parents home and knowing you as your mothers daughter, I know that she lives on in the hearts of many. Words do fail, just know that we love you all very much and keep you all in our thoughts.

Lou, Jun, Emily and Maria