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Hole in the Wall Gang Camp Parent Weekend

A few weeks ago, Trey and I went on a Hole in the Wall Gang sponsored weekend for parents with children who have life threatening illnesses. It was a very intense weekend, lots of art projects interpersed with some very big topics. We found out that parents in our situation have an 85% chance of divorce, much higher than the national average, and that we may take our anger out on the sibling who isn't sick (Julia agrees). We also found out that other people like to dance crazy too, and that humor can be a terrific release for shared pain (OK, we knew this- always a good thing to be reminded of it though). We met some truly wonderful people and feel more than ever so appreciative of the HITWGC and it's mission of 'serving the underserved.'

The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp is a great place to donate, and they have a wish list that could be tackled in small increments, so here is the link to THITWG wish list.

As for a gift to all of you, I have thought long and hard about what I could give you for the new year. A few months ago a friend of ours mentioned The Daily Show and since we don't have cable, I told him I didn't watch it. Lo' and Behold, it's on a website that minimizes commercials to a mere 15 seconds between skits. And Jon Stewart is....your new year's gift this year. Your welcome. It was really nothing. Love, ca


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hey guys

its been a while since i checked in with your site.

its good that the hole in the wall was able to discuss the impact of this ordeal on the family.

John J