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Anticancer: A New Way of Life by David Servan-Schreiber

A few weeks ago a friend mentioned this book and the author in glowing terms. Because of her enthusiasm, I bought the book and just finished it this afternoon. Like The China Study, and incorporating some ideas from Michael Pollan's The Omnivores Dilema, the author lays out a series of arguments that link eating and cancer, specifically, reducing cancer relapse by eating well.

After The China Study, we went vegan for months and Madeline was absolutely hateful of the book and what it had done to her enjoyment of food. I decided to back down and allowed organic milks and butter back into our life, and soon cheeses were frequently seen in our fridge. Then her gallbladder became agitated by the cholesterol in her diet and she willingly gave up all sources of cholesterol. She felt better immediately.

That's what it takes to make a change in one's diet, the knowledge that what you are doing works. A clear link and it's easy to make the leap. David Servan-Schreiber provides the clear link in his book. Please read this book!!!! xo, ca

1 comment:

Martha Smith said...

My friend Judith has survived ovarian cancer for 12 years by following the diet and exercise regimen advocated by the Hippocrates Institute in West Palm Beach, FL. They have a very expensive one-week crash course in FL. I visited Judith there a couple of years ago and had the most delicious healthy lunch ever. Check out

Interesting that David Servan-Schreiber is the eldest son of the late French journalist, author and politician Jean-Jacques Servan-Schreiber, a hell-raiser in the sixties.