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Tamora Pierce

writes Young Adult (YA) fiction and all of her books have strong warrior girls who fight evil. In her bio she said she writes about woman/ girl warriors to correct the lack of girl warriors in the fiction she loved as a child. Her books are my daughter Madeline's favorite books. Madeline started reading them when she was 9 and has re-read them numerous times. I knew when Madeline was going through something particularly difficult, because she would bring a few of them to clinic with her to reread. Otherwise, she would bring a book she hadn't read. She asked me to read them midway through her protocol and I read them in the order that TP wrote them; the Alanna series was first, Bloodhound last, all in quartet format. My favorites are the Bloodhound and the Circle of Magic quartets but they are all powerful. I think they helped her get through her protocol, so I am passing these on as a supporting part to her meds. xo, ca


Anonymous said...

I totally see how these books could support a young girl going through a very tough time in her life. Thank you for sharing this!
Love, J,T,F

Anonymous said...

I meant a young woman in that last comment. I guess I was thinking of my own young daughter's journey through life, and how much I appreciate all the helpful insights and tips about raising strong, capable, and assertive girls from others. You are a great mother, Chris, and a good role model for "strong, capable, and assertive!"