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Surprising Good News

When Madeline was initially diagnosed, she had so few platelets that hematomas formed in both eyes and caused damage. Her optometrist (the ones next to Lens Crafters at the Burlington Mall) took a picture of her eye and wondered why they couldn't bring her eyes to 20/20 with corrective lenses. Madeline complained of shadows in her eyes. We brought her back to Mass Eye and Ear where she had gone many times when she was initially diagnosed and they confirmed the optometrists findings. We thought her eyes were permanently damaged. Last week she had another optometrist appointment and the doctor mentioned that there was some improvement in both eyes. Her left eye can now get to 20/20 with corrective lenses and her right eye, which was much worse, can now get to 20/30 with corrective lenses. So she still shows some damage but seems to be improving. YAY!


Unknown said...

I've been reading through your blog posts and I commend you and your family for sharing your experiences with this terrifying disease. I believe that a positive attitude gets you through the worst that life can offer, and it seems apparent that you and Mady are handling things wonderfully. Congratulations and best of luck.

Is there a charitable foundation to which we can send a donation in Mady's name? It's the least we can do for the inspiration this gave me today.

Bob Mc
Omni Supplements

Trey & Chris said...

Bob, Thanks for your note. I looked on your website. It looks interesting. Thanks for the info. I was wondering if you knew if Omega 3's from flaxseed oil are similar in quality and type as omega 3's from fish oil? THX. As for a donation- Cure Search, the financing arm of the Childrens Oncology Group, or The hole in the Wall Gang Camp. Kind of you!! Chris

Unknown said...

Actually, I came across your blog by following a link reference from one of your prior posts. You mentioned EO's Organic Lavender as your hand sanitizer of preference and included a link to the product on our supplements site. I merely followed the link back to your blog, and I'm very glad I did.

I was interested because I recently had a good friend diagnosed with leukemia. His strain is very treatable with Gleevec but it's still very frightening.

Thanks for the information on flaxseed oil. We'll review and determine if and where to include this on the site. (I'm more on the technical/administrative side, less on the nutrition end) Thanks also for the charity references.

Best of luck to you, and especially Miss Mady.

Bob Mc
Omni Supplements

Anonymous said...

You switched the eyes, mother.

Trey & Chris said...

I corrected it Madeline. Sorry about that....old age....

Martha Smith said...

So good to hear that Mady's eyes are showing resilience. Hope her toes have also returned to normal. It's good to see that you are no longer counting the days! Your family and ours are now on the bright side of cancer odysseys--may it continue to be so. Much love to all of you, Martha

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yeah-she is going to need those good eyes when she is driving!!

Kwan Kew said...

I'm very happy that your Mady is doing well. I ran the 2008 Boston Marathon in her honor as well as other friends of mine. I fell at Coolidge Corner and broke my leg but recovered. The following year I ran the 2009 Boston Marathon for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and completed it. Since then I ran the NYC Marathon last November and next Sunday I will be across the pond running the Paris Marathon in honor of many of my friends with blood cancer, including Mady who I'll always remember. This is also a charity run to raise fund for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. It makes my run more meaningful. God bless on the Easter day.